A Wonderful Time, by Cindy Ji

“I’m Cindy, Lemonshark opened the door of debate for me.

Unlike others, before going to Lemonshark, I had never debated before but strongly believed that I was already a very talkative person that could state my points and warrants clear. However, going to Lemonshark made me feel that there are really a lot of people who are truly talented, their ways of tackling different arguments and different contentions really made me feel surprised and we’re truly grateful that I attended the classes there. 

During class time, Tony taught us a lot of skills, including introducing the rules of debate, how to identify different judges and give different speeches, how to design a constructive speech, how to write CWI (Claim, Warrant, Impact), ways to do rebuttals, summary, and final focus. Not only for that, in class, we do different activities that are very interesting, but in the meanwhile, we could really train how we look at an issue and how to build a logical argument while there are not many pieces of evidence supported. We do random debate, looking at strange stories that have different ways to interpret, we find the best way to express ourselves and persuade others in the biggest extent.

I attend my first debate class in Lemonshark, the classes have substantial influences on me. For sure, I learned a lot of basic skills, and I became a second speaker from the class when Tony is separating people into small groups and try to do some practice debates. This was a great influence on me because from that time on, I tried to learn how to tackle with different arguments, how to turn the arguments against our opponents, and these skills helped me a lot in tournaments.

I had a wonderful time in Lemonshark. This is where I did my first debate in my life, and this is the start of being a debater. I appreciate this experience really much and sincerely hope that more students could join and have a deeper understanding of the debate.”

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