A Fresh Start, by Jeff Cheng

“Last year I competed in a Nation Speech and Debate Association (NSDA)tournament. NSDA was challenging, but also fun at the same time. I got to understand the basic structure and flow of debate. I found Debate interesting and hoped to strengthen my skills at the Lemonshark Debate Studio, it is organized by my brother, Tony He, First Place on the NSDA Scoreboard for China, I wanted to learn from him, so I went to the LemonShark camp last summer. Last Summer I did not focus in class and there was a conflict between me and my brother, which gave him pressure. When we had the tournament at the end of the camp, I did not do very well, which resulted in me to be more motivated in the debate.

This Winter, I had a fresh start. In class, I participated more and had discipline. I respected my brother, and learnt new things in class every day, I gradually made big strides in progress. The camp turned out to be a major success in popularity and in quality on the final day of debate, I came in second place against an experienced NSDA debater. At the end of the camp, I felt like I have improved my debate skill into the next level, which was what I was aiming for when I first joined Lemonshark.

In Lemonshark, I felt like the area I improved most on was the proper way of researching evidence. We learnt about how your piece of evidence has an impact on people and learnt on what to remember while researching evidence and what to look for, and avoid. 

​Lemonshark delivers inquiring knowledge to students, to develop them into skilled debaters. Take me for example. Remembering that time when I went to a tournament with my brother last summer, I mainly relied on him and did not even know WHAT to say in the crossfire. After coming to LemonShark, my skills have improved a whole lot, meeting the goal that I had. Affirming our Framework in my speech, Asserting evidence during crossfire, weighing our points and our opposition’s points in the crossfire, this is Lemonshark.”

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